Room Booking FAQs
Q: Will I have direct access to the hotel once I have purchased the pre-negotiated group block?
A: After completing your booking on RoomRite, you will receive an email with instructions along with your hotel contact.
Q: Do I have the ability to add meeting space and other services to my room block?
A: Yes, you can request additional services through our Services form.
Q: Can I cancel my purchase?
A: Due to obligations with our resale providers; all purchases are final.
Room Reselling FAQs
Q: Is there a cost to sell my rooms?
A: Yes. RoomRite charges the selling party 15% of their room nights sold.
Q: Will reselling my rooms on RoomRite impact my commissions/rebates?
A: You will still receive your full negotiated commissions directly from the hotel once the group has actualized according to the hotel's guidelines.
Q: How will I know if my rooms sell on RoomRite?
A: Login to your RoomRite account dashboard to see your sales progress. You will also receive email updates.
Q: How soon will my rooms appear on the marketplace?
A: We aim to approve listings within 24 hours of your submission.
Hotelier FAQs
Q: Can our property list rooms that are not under contract?
A: Yes. Hotels can fill hot dates with group business by listing their availability, dates, and rates.
Q: Is there a fee to sell rooms?
A: If you are selling rooms on behalf of a group under contract. The group will be billed 15% of the room nights sold. If you looking till fill hot dates with group business; the hotel will be billed 15% of the room nights sold.
Q: Can additional hotel services be added to a listing?
A: Yes. Hotels can add services to a listing.